Annual Inspection Program
Enroll in Forest Resource Professionals Annual Inspection Program. Landowners enrolled in this program will receive yearly on ground inspections of their property for a variety of issues that commonly go undetected. Forest Resource Professionals will be looking for signs of timber theft, trespassing, erosion problems, beetle infestations (bark beetles, Ips beetles), nuisance animals (including beavers), fire lanes, as well as monitoring the growth of your timber.
Don’t wait until it is too late to find out you have a problem on your property! Contact Forest Resource Professionals and enroll your property in the Annual Inspection Program today.
Boundary Line Maintenance
Boundary line maintenance is a very important part in the maintenance and upkeep of your property and it is often over looked by landowners. Properly marked boundary lines provide clear, unquestionable borders and help to protect from timber theft, encroachment, and trespass as well as aid in other timber management activities.
Forest Resource Professionals recommends property boundary lines be clearly identified with top quality, highly visible boundary line paint and marked with “Posted” signs. A well maintained property boundary helps to ensure that expensive property surveys will not be needed in the future.
Road Construction, Design, and Maintenance
Roads that are properly constructed and maintained remain usable during most types of weather. Proper design and upkeep can save you money annually and ensure access to your property. Let Forest Resource Professionals inspect your roads and take the worry out of maintaining them.
Contact Jeff Brown via our online form or at 803.513.3340 and get your property on the way to a well constructed road system.
Fire Break Construction and Maintenance
Properly constructed and maintained fire breaks are essential to using fire as a cultural practice. Fire breaks protect surrounding properties and stands within your property not ready to burn at that particular time. They also segregate and protect your stand in the event of an accidental fire. Having well constructed fire breaks and performing routine maintenance can improve access and decrease the amount of new firebreak construction every time a landowner wants to use prescribed burning.
Let Forest Resource Professionals coordinate your fire break construction and maintenance activities.